Wednesday, May 14, 2008

ChanGE it From The rooTS

Sometime yesterday.. listening to some music. My mind was set to wander. Yes this was voluntary this time.. enjoying the feeling of drifting in my own world. This time not bound with the string attached to me. Sages have said that humans are in bond with relations and a lot of earthly links around them. I do not know how sages get all the "wierd" ideas that they propogate and sometimes even pass it on from generation to generation. The truth i belive is that no one can comment on any natural being or thing because the cration of language is not as dynamic as the creation of nature. I dont remeber when was the last time i watched a spider making its web, and i still dont belive in the story about one Mr. Bruce who found all the time to sit and watch the spider making its web when he was losing rather miserably in the war.

I also believe that a rabbit would never sleep off and a tortoise would win over him in a race. Even worse would have been the case when an elephant could revenge on a tailor for not givin him plantain. I think first the stories have to change. Our children grow listening to all these craps and they start believing in some kind of a merry land, where the so considered losers triumph all the time without doing much. These stories grow with them and they thrive on them many times when even aesop's clan as a whole has been wiped out from the planet. Lets stop listening to all this make believe stories and let us accept the truth. the thumping of music that was vibration on my ear drum from the head phones die out and its time a grab a cup of coffee so that I am sedated more. I need more than the 80-85 DB sound that I was listening till this moment to keep me going on and on!!!

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