Friday, August 7, 2009

Memory Remains

What I have feel, what I have known.. turn the pages of the dawn. Right as my legs rise from the sleep and the hangover of the day before.. my eyes half closed fight hard to be acuustomed to the world around me. The slanting sun rays are not troubling me yet.. Its just a gentle pat on my head.. I try and pull myself from the bed.. Something, felt like a strong thud koncks me back to the bed

My eyes slowly fade off for a jiffy of a second. I see it all, the very first moment, how I met her, the first smile, the first kiss, all and the last time i met her...

It all moves along my memories as if they were just some gush of wind that had caressed me as i was having a walk down the "toy road". I wake up form the feel i had and in my back ground from my already over used laptop a song plays shreekingly

" Its a new Day... Its a new beginning...."

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