Thursday, January 31, 2008

Spirit in ME

Still it lurks in me. fills me with some kinda spirit that keeps me smiling when I stare at all the hustle that goes below me when I stare from the fourth floor on the “beings” clasped in their ties and gripping on to their coffee cups before a worn out coffee vending machine The youth in me struggles just like the glow of a lamp sway’s to the blowing wind….I feel good closing my eyes and wandering into my college days….. the tattered jeans that never had to be washed….the black tea…The friends around ….The lazy side of life….It had its beauty in it. Then when my eyes opened I could feel the same gush of blood in me…the sweet air around me. The guitars might have played some note that made me sway to it and my heart leaps to run off to the same gallery and give a loud shout … The hushed dreams that I had seen on those steps had been pulled off….. It makes me feel there is a fire still in me that’s making me different or maybe every single person here might be having time to stop and think of his best times. Or on closer thought on his best times that are yet to come…… A flash passes by reminding of all those days. Someone just like me smiles at me…he looks similar but his attire is that of a college boy and he looks happy and with a lot of friends…sharing cigarette puffs and cracking jokes about a love failure. In between all that he is conversing he doesn’t find time to have a glimpse at me….A moment passes when his eyes catch mine and a certain gesture of acknowledgement is shown. A lump fills my heart……when I realize that he was just me in my college days….When I was not bound by the shackles of maturity…of corporate decorum.

Now though I am happy financially and feel my dreams are achieved some voice calls “Come home once again,
Come once more to where someone feels you are her own,
The jiffy that conceded had a whole lifetime in it….
You never wanted to discern what was in your trail
Still it was the path that steered you to what you are now
The storms and thorns on the path are only sweet memoirs
Do not chide now on the moments lost…
But consider that even though the group that you miss
Are not next to you their memoirs linger around you
Persuading you still in every petite thing you accomplish”

BeholD the Future

I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. I might be, but I'm a little forgetful. I forget to make them, and then I forget what they were anyway. Perhaps the fact that I don't make such resolutions could be taken in some way as proof of the fact that I am essentially a happy chap. Happy enough not to require a resolution to change my life in any significant way. Or maybe not having a list of resolutions shows instead that I am lazy. It's difficult to tell. Looking ahead at 2007, I find myself amazed that we're here already.

When I was a young boy reading books about the future, complete with brightly colored illustrations, 'the future' was the year 2000. In the year 2000, the world was going to be an entirely different place filled with technologies far beyond that which surrounded me in my day-to-day life of the early 90s. It wasn't going to be 'Buck Rogers in the 25th century' or 'Star Trek', but it might just be somewhere between that and 'Space 1999' where humanity was already zipping around space interacting with funny ladies that could change into birds and other animals in a puff of cosmic magic. Back then from my animal wallpapered bedroom with my mono record player and FM radio on which I could often hear the music of Backstreet boys and all those boy bands the future, as close as it might have been, was still a long way off. I had read in a book then that the world maybe too ahead that a flashing mouse on the screen may not be recognized as “Mickey mouse”.

Cars would no longer have wheels. Instead they would float about a foot or so off the ground and whiz around almost silently. This seemed entirely possible as Luke Skywalker's dad had an old one of those cars in the recent film Star Wars. In 'the future' we would all work less, as things called computers would take on mundane tasks allowing us more time to enjoy the world and each other. Robots would replace waiters, shop assistants, and school dinner ladies. Evidence of these great leaps forward weren't hard to find either. The task of watering the garden could now be performed by sprinklers and cars were already beginning to be built by machines with giant robotic arms, freeing the men who used to have those jobs to spend more time with their families, who must surely be happier now that dad no longer has to go to work. At the time I quietly hoped that dad's job back home might be taken by a robot soon too. That way we would see more of him than the brief moment where he said goodbye in the morning and goodnight in the dusk. And here we are, 2007. Seven years after the “millennium”.

The floating cars, the inter-orbital flights, they never "arrived. But we do have the internet, and the ability to have face to face conversations with people all over the world. Heck, it might even be argued that some shop assistants have indeed been replaced by robots that are yet to be programmed with emotion and humor. But all in all, the future still seems a long way off. While there are some gloomy prospects on the near horizon what with Iraq, climate change, and other such concerns, I think maybe as this new year begins, I might just go out and find myself a children's book about 'the future'. A book full hope, excitement and brightly colored illustrations of the years ahead. Something to remind my adult self of the wonder that sometimes escapes us all as we grow older and more based in the reality of our today’s rather than the fantasies of those tomorrows we can't yet see.

LIFT ME--just for people from Bhavani

Its a competition out there!!! I found something very interesting these days. Its common to every UST employee and every one has to be in it at least once ................... Every day.

You don’t have to give your brain so much of thought I am talking about the "lift". There are so many interesting things about this metallic room. It starts of daily morning when a huge crowd gathers in front of it….waiting for it to be merciful, amongst the rush of the eventful hours most of the time it is full. The dejected face of the client maybe an inspiration for this metallic being to rush to the top floor The first thing that can be noticed is that people have responded well to this phenomenon in a clever way as human’s always do. Even if their target is the top floor they rush into the lift even when it’s going down, I myself do this…Its how you batter the competitive world and make sure of your own "little" space. The face of a person who waits at the -1 floor is a sight to watch. He looks totally confused as to where this populace belongs to, when none budges from their place and a clever man standing next to the controls shuts the door quickly. Once inside the lift many have to come face to face with their greatest foe and the only solution is to flash a smile that is never meant. A stylish mobile phone in the lift is never in a silent mode. The proud owner surely flashes it out of his pocket and holds it in a manner that every one can see. His face glows with pride and accomplishment. An average mobile is usually fidgeted in the fingers or hidden behind a shawl or never attended to. People get into the lift with different wishes though their target is the same. For some it will be a hungry stomach that’s making them rush to food. For others an angry PM might have already called him twice when he was away with his friends. For others it will be a girlfriend who has been waiting anxiously. The females in the lift take their stand as if they are in a private bus. The rear portion of the lift is reserved for them and a helpless man trying to get a foot there is acknowledged with a stare. A Good Samaritan who pulls in more people is surely getting the hatred of all in the lift. I have always wondered what would be the feeling of a person when he is the only one left out of the lift while the luckier one’s get their space in it. I have observed them…sometimes it’s a blank grin. Others just turn of their faces…And rarely trying to get over a strange feeling he/she just utter something to the luckier friends who are inside. The strange phenomenon that occurs sometimes in the lift is the black out….

Once the door closes its totally dark and only whispers and the floor indicator can be sensed Anyway this thing goes up and down carrying with it humans and a lot of human emotions…Next time when you are in just gaze around for all this….You will like it. For it’s a place where there is a mix-up of so many human’s in such a small consign

terror in terrorism

What made the terrorists feel it was moral to commit suicide and murder over 5,000 people at the trade center? What made Hitler feel it was moral to murder 6,000,000 Jews? He went to a seminary to be a Catholic priest. He knew the Ten Commandments. What made Magellan feel it was moral for him after going around the Strait of Magellan and meeting and getting supplies from friendly Indians to then kill over 200 of them? He had a priest on board the ship. What made the Pope feel it was moral to order the murder of over 100,000 during the 30-year war. The general who had captured a town said he was having problems. The Pope had ordered him to kill all the Protestants but everyone was saying they were Catholic.

The Pope sent back a message to kill everyone. God would know who was of Catholic faith and send them to heaven and those Protestants to Hell. What makes the KKK so violent and able to feel it is moral to torture, murder and commit other acts of terror against Catholics, Jews and Blacks? Why didn't the commandment Thou Shall Not Kill stop these mean cruel, very religious people form killing? They all knew this commandment by heart. What is the real foundation of terrorism? What produces terrorists? It has to do with utopia feelings, Hell and fundamentalist religious beliefs where every word of the Bible, Koran or other holy book is believed to be absolutely true. Unless we consider attacking these beliefs, we will continue to have terrorists and lots of horrid immorality against innocent, hard working, moral, kind, caring people. Let’s start with Hell. "If you believe good, kind, moral, just, loving people are going to be tortured in Hell, forever, for not believing in Jesus, than you are a masochist, a schizophrenic and very religious. You've lost your sense of what is rational, moral, logical and just. You need psychiatric help To be able to be a terrorist -- whether it is the Pope, Magellan, a KKK member, Hitler, or Osama Bin Latin’s men -- you must look at those who don't have your religious beliefs as sub-human and who ought to be killed.

You have to believe in Hell as a real place with hurting, pain, flame and everlasting torture. You must believe your God or Allah (what ever your god is called) so hates those who do not believe in him, that he would send them to be tortured forever. You must believe the world would be a wonderful utopia if only everyone believed in your god or Allah. You must believe if everyone believes as you do, god or Allah would be so very happy that he would make this a fantastic wonderful world. Literal belief in Hell makes a person a masochist, a schizophrenic. He should have added a terrorist or a potential terrorist. Possibly the only way to reduce the number of terrorists is to put out the flames of Hell through every form of propaganda possible. If Jesus or Allah sends people to be tortured forever they are infinitely immoral, monster gods or Allah that no one should believe in.

We must teach that Hell hath no furry. John Lennon wrote a song in which he dreamed of a world with no religion in it. No god to kill for. No religion to die for. More time to help others. Less time to spend in prayer. No hating others because they don't believe in the right god or the right Hell. No one killing for religious reasons.


It seems sometimes the world loves to be deceived!!!! Somewhere within us the soul maybe .. a heart that can never respect itself. Its not the case for all...But many humans have no respect for themselves...they grade themselves lower than others and why shouldn’t they? From the time he is chewing on his pabulum he is told he is weak, low, sinning, dirty, offending, downright stinky, told this life is a mere dress rehearsal for something better, and in need of some kind of miraculous salvation. This is the way to engender excellence in humanity? Is it merely a thought that i had.. anyways i decided this thought is going to gets omen food!!!! Evolving into scary environs, man set about inventing a swirling dust cloud of illusions to ensconce himself from the harshness of life. Our job, should we choose to accept it altruistic brethren, is to enable people to see that fuller, richer lives await them here and now should they opt to break free from their various dream worlds of illusion. There are many a community thriving pompously on this ... Poets, priests, politicians, psychics and psychoanalysts, among others, make pleasingly plump livings by simply telling people what they want to hear. Think about it!!!

Boyzz to MEnn

Born at cochin..Kerala i am from a middle class family ....With lot of aspirations i grew up ..did my education at UDL school and my from GEC trissur...It was the coolest college of all. as for all their college is the best in the world. With the greatest classmates and a perfect gang of my own... The beginning in college was all boyish stuffs...We had our trips, fun...Never knew that somewhere we were growin from boys to men. as they say. Some of us experienced it others ignored it and continued in the same "Basketball diaries" kinda life...We had fun all around us.” Class" was ignorance in earthly form and time around was opium and marijuana...We flew with the gush of youth. Cigarettes and liquor was all that kept us going. It seemed more like we were having the rebel in us...It was total loose control...Never had a spark in us. No goals. We just went along with the flow of time,swaying,sometimes hitting a rock on the banks...We thought this is life..Girls were looked upon as creatures !! that had to be kept away and squashed immediately!!

My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. (quoted from a great poets work)

So it can be best put and lo we were changing how many of us were ready for it I know not. But fate did raise its mighty wand to smite us and we succumbed. I never believed in cupid and his arrows. I still know not whether he roams with a bow and arrow or a magic wand...but i saw it coming...LOVE.Yeah and like everyone i too fell or shall i say rose in love. The beastly life of mine was undergoing a metamorphosis. I HEARD a thousand blended notes, While in a grove I sate reclined, In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts Bring sad thoughts to the mind. To her fair works did Nature link the human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think what man has made of man. Love had to make its way and she walked into my life in a very natural way. She used to tread the same way before too but now i used to make the "Post office" blessed with my presence before her arrival. She used to kindle hope and a lot of life in my life and walk of with a smile....I came to know the strength of woman...Her power and knew why woman are stronger !!! The mobile had no important part to play in my life but now it had. The same role played by pigeons and swans were donned by the mob as u wud call it!!! Phone calls, messages all happened and we grew in love...Never knew i cud love a person this much....but i DID love her. with due respect and admiration to a girl who could make a great difference in my life.... College was getting over. We cud see it in every eyes. it was a bitter truth that had to be accepted....We all just stood and watched as all that was close to our heart was to be parted with. None asked if were ready for it. All of u must have had the memoirs of a college that have just gone back into the sands of time!!!The stories of many a lost love...many a friendship that had to be broken!!! The Mech-tree,the never empty gallery,the basketball court,wimbis,post office and the towering red bricked college...a tear fell from all our eyes but it just mixed into the sands of that institution...mixed with time and flew fast into history...the place that guided us from the grueling dust of ignorance had to be parted with...Many of us took photos and tried capsizing the memories into the autograph...but that was not enought.Lovers stood looking into each others eyes with many tales that yet had to be shared!! but spoke very less...The tears that filled spoke for them. Some others just got drunk up and boozed not really ready to face the reality that the corridors that they walked would loosen its arms and let us all free as strangers forever. We were out and into the "Raw world”. many had jobs, others were into search for jobs and i too got into Us technologies...and here i am drinking coffee with the finest people going on in friendship. Know not how much the world has to offer again. How long my lungs will breathe with life. What my fate holds for the next moment...."Lead me on oh amid the circling gloom"

Is it the fear

When the craetor lifted his wand to create Earth...He had not installed an undo button for some of the worries that evolved from the "Pandoras Box".....Some where in me a kinda feelin erupted ... Came as a flash but it evolved somehow..Hmmm somethin in me tells me that everything that drives man is the fear in him...The diseases that evolve suddenly from AIDS to Chicken guinea....The terrorist scare..Bomb hoaxes..Is it all that rules humanity...and humans somehow have the power that can sometimes make him more weak than a meagre ant....Ya his "Thought process".He thinks on everything around him...His work surroundings,doubt on his most beloved ones...All that gripping him and throwin him into the fathoms of darkness.....Wouldnt it be better that man reamaining peaceful in his ignorance than duel in the midst of alarms...The industries that build on this fear is a lot...The war taxes collected..The drug industry growin day by day...The insurance companies!!!! Well one day man would grow overcome his fear..and when he conquers that I believe he would evolve to his final phase...Ya the HOMO SAPIEN without fear!!!!

smokin Killzzz

Its a fact..But some facts are left untouched and not to be cared for it is the wish of the human mind which rules the body...Anyways one thing i have noticed is that people do talk a lot at these so called "smoke zones". Its an usual sight to see people with a pack of cigarette borrowing a matchbox from people around and then it starts of..A new friendship starts even if the only thing in common between them is that they smoke. Many a times i have listened to people talk there and i have felt its the only place where people really open up.. Well i have nothing against the females but whenever they are around the male resorts to a polished behaviour and its usually a chit chat over a new mobile phone or a complaint of how the coffee taste's or even the rush to get a new pack of "Lays"... And in the smoke zone the "Eve's" usually don appear so the males really open up..The conversation is more true and honest.I have heard how people talk out their dreams...their wish to get a new car..Or how their life had passed from their childhood to what they are now...The love affairs they had in college days...Their dream girl... Or sometimes more serious things like how the technopark and its surroundings can be improved...What are the flaws and the good points our company have nad their scopes of improvement.... The burning leaves of tobacco and the drowsy smoke that fills these zones do bring out the human in his true form .... Cigarette smoking is of course injurious to health..but the atmosphere it creates here is healthy for it lights up the fire within you!!

love to wave at planes

When I was a kid I sometimes used to lie on the grass in our school grond looking up at the sky, picking out objects and finding faces in the clouds as they moved in slow motion far above me. Often among the hazy wisps and cotton wool constellations were long white lines drawn by distant jets that shimmered in the summer sun. I'd lie there and watch them as they cut through the clouds, disappearing and reappearing, traveling at speeds that seemed only a little faster than those I could achieve on my bike.

As the jets flew into the distance, melting into the summer blue sky, I'd give them a little wave, the kind you might give a small child looking back at you from the rear seat of a car as it drives away. My Dad was often with me in my short walks. From time to time I remember asking him where a plane was going. His answer was always the same and often given without so much as an upward glance. "America." He'd say. And with the kind of trust only children posses I'd simply lie there and wonder what it must be like to go to America, or indeed anywhere, in the kind of plane that threads an evaporating trail across the sky. Of course they weren't all flying to America; it was simply my Dad's answer to most of my childhood geographical questions. Now at twenty three years I think I'm the only 'grown up' who still waves at planes. Their distant vapor trails look so peaceful, and still they seem to move slower than anything around me. I don't know what it is about them that fascinates me so.

But even now, all these years later, I still stand there and watch them draw a line under the heavens before giving them a little wave to send them on their way, to wherever that might be. I think I like the fact that a tale is unfolding before my eyes. No matter how routine the journey, there is always the possibility of new experiences and adventures. Perhaps even the kind of events that become sewed into the very fabric of that which makes us the people we are, creating the kind of milestones by which we measure our before's and after's. I know they can't see me as I wave. They don't need to see me. I'm not waving for them... I'm waving for me.

An ode to GOD

In the seamless discussions that have emerged from many a thought lingering brains in this world…the discussion continues as to god exists or not…Before I get my post blocked let me make this very clear that I am not here to discuss on that controversial topic…I am just here to talk to god…Ya people u read it right!!! I have also been taught a lot on god…Not that I am into theology or something..But many a times in some distance a white streak line in the lightning makes me feel its just the lavish robe’s of “God”. Or a cloud that looks as calm as a brook flowing by makes me look once more into its sallow emptiness and feel “God” s in it!!!

The little boy shouts in its paramount voice within these corridor’s of the “Earth” that you made..None has a time to stop and stare!!!But its ok I have no complaints…I am here to converse to God…and that I will…Not with the complaints that usually people shower on you. Or the hymns that reverberate in your ears…..But with the sweetness and softness of the child within me….. It's okay, God, I see you, between the North Atlantic and the stars. You're making white lightning across a carpet of clouds below me, illuminating continent-sized liquid landscapes and the mountains of mist you created in a heartbeat.

There's no one out here to see you, aside from the pilots of a sleeping plane flying toward the sunrise that won't wait for an introduction before it meets us. Maybe there are boats below me, beneath the clouds that are providing you with this momentary distraction. God, are you being creative or are you just playing? I used to think you only made thunder and lightning when you were angry. Having only ever seen a storm on the ground, I never before had the chance to see things from your point of view. But here between the ocean and the worlds above I share your appreciation for the beauty of a storm. Far is it for me to say this, God, but be careful what you play with, okay? There are a lot of us down here now, some on land, some on the sea, and more than you might imagine a little closer to you than that. We're all busy down here, God; it's not that we forgot you. So please, feel free to play with the clouds, the wind, and the rain, just be careful where you stand. Some of us aren't quite ready to join you yet. It's nothing personal though, you understand. We've just got so much to do before we're old. Keep casting stars across the sky though, God. I'm watching out for them. I send you messages from time to time though I don't know if they reach you. I suppose it's possible that I may have misaddressed them. I like this space right here, where pages don't confuse us. It's so much simpler when

TV terrible vision

I close my eyes and drift away to that place between sleeping and waking, where the sounds of reality somehow get woven into the fabric of dreams, where past, present and future collide in the strangest Technicolor adventures in which time is fluid and the most fascinating hour is in fact little more than a heart beat away...Trinnng Well it must be the alarm in the usual stories that u have read and someone just wakes up from a horrible dream...well for me it was just a call from some thought of mine.... Before grinning and thinking how I get time to think.

Well I forgot to mention I am into shifts. and that somehow helps me find more time around me because I just sit pondering over things till I have to get to the company by 3 It is now I started looking at 21 inch electronic device that keeps humans glued to it slowly turning them into a lounge lizard, a person glued to the phosphorescent glow of the screen, surviving only on potato chips and cigarettes while gearing up for an early departure from this world with chronic heart failure and extreme paranoia having not been outside for the years to come. I have observed that ever since the cable TV has come into our life’s I watch less amount of TV because now that I have channel after channel of stuff being broadcasted at me like a screaming infant trying to get my attention. Its TV pulp forced down a cable 24 hours a day and intravenously fed into my home. The truth lies hidden that our hands draw a craving to the remote.... The thing is though, the added channels haven't enticed me to watch more TV, and instead they have now driven me out of my living room cowering like someone escaping from a house under fire in a time of war. I don't control the TV anymore, and it doesn't have any control over itself either. It just sits in the corner of my living room and I'm never sure what it's going to do next.

It's like a robber who has taken the staff and customers of a bank hostage in a robbery that went horribly wrong. Except in this case no police negotiator is about to phone up and negotiate my safe release. We're stuck in a channel 22 situation. Folks I am not against the so called "Idiot box"...But its the cable that is being used or misused including all the music channels and the so called 'adult' channels that show all that simulated "oooing" and "aahing" with various wobbly bits included. I like watching tv at "Music world" or "Archies"..There the channel never changes from MTV..Not because i love Mtv but because the tv is allowed to rest and once we settle with something we have instead of just swapping channels to cajole the nerve in us that builds our curiosity just to know whats happening in the other channel!!!

mobbed human

I was also born with the umbilical chord twisted around my neck with the usual new born cry in a hospital. Grew up with education from a good school....Did my Batch from a fine college and here I am sharing the FORUM with you fine people in us technology.

I dono whether I am being very decisive with people but people are the most wierd, mysterious beings created by god in my opinion. Sometimes it seems that god made people and made his last and most stupid decision. He must have grieved over the very fact that he forgot to install a redo or undo button...... Sometimes it does seems that god created the most beautiful things with all his perfections and named him "MAN"...But why is it that man himself feels uncomfortable in another mans midst...It seems an irony when people say that humans are social beings....The word should have been man is a society being...Its all society that matters. He does anything to show his mark in society. Dono if mobile phones where gods creation patented by the devil...But it seems so. Every one including me are addicted to it more than the air we breath...the water we drink. The hands seem to have a fondness to it as if the metallic musical monster has to be fidgeted in our hands. Else we can’t think of a single minute. A single moment. I have seen Love nurture in its true form thru mobiles.... Friendship growing into love thought mobile phones..... Crime flourishing through it..... I am not trying to reveal the negative points of technology ...Its more than I can do and would not fit this forum because its a better topic to be discussed at a group discussion I suppose...but sure I would like to see when this machine can be called the "idiot box"...or whatever... Sure I can foresee a lot of shoulders shuddering with sarcasm at this very article of mine...If at all anyone feels its true, think pause and make yourself understand that "The machines do not rise against us...They don’t have the power to do so ...but Sure man has the power to make it revolt against man himself"...We should understand that power in us for there may be a time when man is only used to communication thru a 2 inch screen flashing messages .. And he may never ever need another person to communicate ...A mobile phone may be well enough!!! There is the growth of the cell phone into a COMMUNICATOR

24 hrs not enuff

In the school days, like many I was an average student too. What I lacked was time management as seen in many brilliant students. I used to attend school, come back home, and occasionally study or revise what was done in school, play around or do some leisure activities, eat up my dinner and off I went to bed. What is the point of all this, at the teenage phase in your life, many tend to ignore the value of time. Many take life as it comes without any planning and without any goals. If you are a keen observer you would notice that your teenage cousin or kid in the next block would be very often found playing at evenings at a particular time.

So the point assumed by many about kids or teenagers not planning their day out, is totally wrong. They do plan their day, however they do so with prioritizing different elements, like play time, or party time, or even time to eat. This however is very different compared to any adolescent, and how one would prioritize and plan in that phase of life. Time management for an adolescent would be completely different as they would prioritize on elements like college work, friends, interest groups, or even study groups, are more complex compared to before. As you go the next phase of life the number of elements keeps increasing and to prioritize according to these elements becomes intricate. Humans crave for the best; and after getting the best they still would never be satisfied. A constant crave for success is what an average man would strive for everyday. In the process many things are streamlined like, friends, relatives, or even dear loved ones. This is where most of the problems begin from.

Friends may feel that you are become too arrogant enough to talk. Relatives may be angry with you for months and still won't say a word, worrying that it might affect your career. Dear loved ones like your spouse, fiancé or someone you are going out with would just be victimized due to your ignorance. At many cases the communication reduces to such an extent that, you never know that you are wrong until the very end, when things are irreversible. Trust me on this one; twenty four hours are not less for a day. You are so focused at a certain task that you tend to forget, overlook, or even avoid the other tasks that are given to you or you are responsible for. The only solution here is to keep peace with your mind. You have to learn the art of channeling your mind at any and every task given to you. For example if you are working on a class project for three hours in a day, you should learn how to schedule your work in those three hours only. Once those three hours are over you should learn how to divert yourself into another task and channeling your mind there. This is important because in most cases when you are doing a task you still are physically present but mentally mental; mental because you are still constantly thinking about your previous task which you left. This could affect your performance, and in most cases it does. Now the question is how one should make a healthy transition between one task and another. There are many simple solutions that are hard to implement. I still call them simple because they are simple to understand and hard because they are hard to get into your daily life. Reading a novel, always is an old school way of having a transition between any two phases. A good example would be, coming back from work and reading a Chicken Soup novel or any other of self choice and then spending time with your folks or spouse and later having a nice sleep. Once could also use music, either listen to or play some gentle music.

A good example would be coming back from college and playing some guitar before you could start off your next task. This helps ease out all tensions and stress and prepares you for your next task. Sports also is an excellent alternative, however many have their reasons so as to why sports could not be an option that would opt for. But in the end of the day any relaxant used to have a healthy transition between phases is your choice; all have their positives and negatives. So choose wisely, after all I can only show you the path; you have to walk through it.

face this

Speaking from the other side of "the big three oh!" I can say that it's not at all a big deal. I turned twenty four and discovered that in my own life being in your early mid 20s was just like being in your late teens, only without the stupid bits. I just thought in 5 years from now I will have people around me talking of just one stuff. people will be telling me that I need to "settle down" and find a nice girl to marry because, they say, "the clock is ticking." But I can't bring myself to look at finding a wife and "settling down" in the same way as last minute Christmas shopping. The whole concept of having to get someone now "before it's too late" just seems wrong to me.


The idea that I have some kind of 'sell by' date is absurd to me. But when people tell me "the clock is ticking" what are they actually saying? That I'm not actually that interesting, and that if I don't get someone before I go gray and get a few wrinkles I'll have lost the only thing going for me? Are they saying that love itself only comes before you're thirty five, or that after that age we're not able to physically enjoy some aspects of 'love' that we might otherwise have had? I mean okay, the clock is indeed ticking, but hasn't this always been the case? Why the sudden need to remind me of something that has always been a reality? I'm maybe in no hurry to simply settle down and "find a wife" just because of the fact that I am getting older than the average newly weds. It annoys me that the very people who tell me to "find a wife" because I'm "not getting any younger" are often the same people who talk about how sad it is that the divorce rate is so high and that many people get married too young. So if it's possible to get married to young, and difficult to get married later, when exactly is that perfect window of opportunity to find that 'one true love'. And if it were indeed possible to narrow down an age range that is 'ripe for the picking' doesn't that then mean that in that age group everyone is so desperate to be picked that they run the considerable risk of simply making a wrong decision? A decision that they may spend the rest of their life regretting. No thank you very much. I'm in no hurry to just settle with the next girl that's handy. I'm not a desperate last minute shopper running around the isles of Spouse-I-Like snatching at the last remaining stock left on the shelf. I have a far more relaxed approach to the whole affair. I refuse to believe this idea that the stock of possible partners is somehow depleting to such and extent that I simply must grab one before they're all gone. I think I'll just continue on my way through life, enjoying it as more of an experience than a task. And if "the one" is out there, then maybe we're more likely to meet in the fine wine section of the supermarket rather than the "Sale must end at 35" Spouse Isle. This thought was dreadful for it is being experienced by every man nearing thirty annd every female in her mid twenties. God bless I have 6 more years from now before I have to think of all the crap.

O sweet labour !!

Screech...was the sound I made a peek from the 4S Bhavani and below me i could see some workers trying to unload huge pieces of marble that migth be weighing tonnes.The sun was harsh on them and the only saving comfort they had was a gulp of water they had from a sullied plastic bottle. One gulp and they were back with some kind of slogan or mantra that kept them going.They had no common language save this for they werell not natives of the same land.Of course their goal was the same..."Livelihood". A sudden thought flashed through my mind ...

The tie and the office tags that we carry are donned for the same objective.people from different lands join together for this common objective.Software professionals,artists,Politicians....finally the they all fuse into one strong desire to live and let live. After seeing the pain and struggle they were taking to work with the "piece of stone" I just made a glance at the prolific flooring that our "Bhavani" already had and thought for a moment.Many of us may not even be able to recollect the design of the floor that we walk over daily.Such is the observation we pay for the things around us.I am not to blame humanity again for I belong to the same race.. and I too am in this "race"...... To be paid every month you need not know the design of the floor on which we tread.Of course not.Nor do you have to be thankful for a security person or a cleaner who sees to it that the glasses shine with all its beauty.After all they are also paid for what they do right?? Beeeep Beeep ..the sound of the access door behind me woke me up from the purple haze that I was in and i recollected "I had a meeting" and so I was back to my work...Still deep within the convulsions of my brain a thought lingers.."Oh sweet labour" redifined to "Oh sweat labour"!!!!