Thursday, January 31, 2008

TV terrible vision

I close my eyes and drift away to that place between sleeping and waking, where the sounds of reality somehow get woven into the fabric of dreams, where past, present and future collide in the strangest Technicolor adventures in which time is fluid and the most fascinating hour is in fact little more than a heart beat away...Trinnng Well it must be the alarm in the usual stories that u have read and someone just wakes up from a horrible dream...well for me it was just a call from some thought of mine.... Before grinning and thinking how I get time to think.

Well I forgot to mention I am into shifts. and that somehow helps me find more time around me because I just sit pondering over things till I have to get to the company by 3 It is now I started looking at 21 inch electronic device that keeps humans glued to it slowly turning them into a lounge lizard, a person glued to the phosphorescent glow of the screen, surviving only on potato chips and cigarettes while gearing up for an early departure from this world with chronic heart failure and extreme paranoia having not been outside for the years to come. I have observed that ever since the cable TV has come into our life’s I watch less amount of TV because now that I have channel after channel of stuff being broadcasted at me like a screaming infant trying to get my attention. Its TV pulp forced down a cable 24 hours a day and intravenously fed into my home. The truth lies hidden that our hands draw a craving to the remote.... The thing is though, the added channels haven't enticed me to watch more TV, and instead they have now driven me out of my living room cowering like someone escaping from a house under fire in a time of war. I don't control the TV anymore, and it doesn't have any control over itself either. It just sits in the corner of my living room and I'm never sure what it's going to do next.

It's like a robber who has taken the staff and customers of a bank hostage in a robbery that went horribly wrong. Except in this case no police negotiator is about to phone up and negotiate my safe release. We're stuck in a channel 22 situation. Folks I am not against the so called "Idiot box"...But its the cable that is being used or misused including all the music channels and the so called 'adult' channels that show all that simulated "oooing" and "aahing" with various wobbly bits included. I like watching tv at "Music world" or "Archies"..There the channel never changes from MTV..Not because i love Mtv but because the tv is allowed to rest and once we settle with something we have instead of just swapping channels to cajole the nerve in us that builds our curiosity just to know whats happening in the other channel!!!

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