Thursday, January 31, 2008

smokin Killzzz

Its a fact..But some facts are left untouched and not to be cared for it is the wish of the human mind which rules the body...Anyways one thing i have noticed is that people do talk a lot at these so called "smoke zones". Its an usual sight to see people with a pack of cigarette borrowing a matchbox from people around and then it starts of..A new friendship starts even if the only thing in common between them is that they smoke. Many a times i have listened to people talk there and i have felt its the only place where people really open up.. Well i have nothing against the females but whenever they are around the male resorts to a polished behaviour and its usually a chit chat over a new mobile phone or a complaint of how the coffee taste's or even the rush to get a new pack of "Lays"... And in the smoke zone the "Eve's" usually don appear so the males really open up..The conversation is more true and honest.I have heard how people talk out their dreams...their wish to get a new car..Or how their life had passed from their childhood to what they are now...The love affairs they had in college days...Their dream girl... Or sometimes more serious things like how the technopark and its surroundings can be improved...What are the flaws and the good points our company have nad their scopes of improvement.... The burning leaves of tobacco and the drowsy smoke that fills these zones do bring out the human in his true form .... Cigarette smoking is of course injurious to health..but the atmosphere it creates here is healthy for it lights up the fire within you!!

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