Thursday, January 31, 2008

Boyzz to MEnn

Born at cochin..Kerala i am from a middle class family ....With lot of aspirations i grew up ..did my education at UDL school and my from GEC trissur...It was the coolest college of all. as for all their college is the best in the world. With the greatest classmates and a perfect gang of my own... The beginning in college was all boyish stuffs...We had our trips, fun...Never knew that somewhere we were growin from boys to men. as they say. Some of us experienced it others ignored it and continued in the same "Basketball diaries" kinda life...We had fun all around us.” Class" was ignorance in earthly form and time around was opium and marijuana...We flew with the gush of youth. Cigarettes and liquor was all that kept us going. It seemed more like we were having the rebel in us...It was total loose control...Never had a spark in us. No goals. We just went along with the flow of time,swaying,sometimes hitting a rock on the banks...We thought this is life..Girls were looked upon as creatures !! that had to be kept away and squashed immediately!!

My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. (quoted from a great poets work)

So it can be best put and lo we were changing how many of us were ready for it I know not. But fate did raise its mighty wand to smite us and we succumbed. I never believed in cupid and his arrows. I still know not whether he roams with a bow and arrow or a magic wand...but i saw it coming...LOVE.Yeah and like everyone i too fell or shall i say rose in love. The beastly life of mine was undergoing a metamorphosis. I HEARD a thousand blended notes, While in a grove I sate reclined, In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts Bring sad thoughts to the mind. To her fair works did Nature link the human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think what man has made of man. Love had to make its way and she walked into my life in a very natural way. She used to tread the same way before too but now i used to make the "Post office" blessed with my presence before her arrival. She used to kindle hope and a lot of life in my life and walk of with a smile....I came to know the strength of woman...Her power and knew why woman are stronger !!! The mobile had no important part to play in my life but now it had. The same role played by pigeons and swans were donned by the mob as u wud call it!!! Phone calls, messages all happened and we grew in love...Never knew i cud love a person this much....but i DID love her. with due respect and admiration to a girl who could make a great difference in my life.... College was getting over. We cud see it in every eyes. it was a bitter truth that had to be accepted....We all just stood and watched as all that was close to our heart was to be parted with. None asked if were ready for it. All of u must have had the memoirs of a college that have just gone back into the sands of time!!!The stories of many a lost love...many a friendship that had to be broken!!! The Mech-tree,the never empty gallery,the basketball court,wimbis,post office and the towering red bricked college...a tear fell from all our eyes but it just mixed into the sands of that institution...mixed with time and flew fast into history...the place that guided us from the grueling dust of ignorance had to be parted with...Many of us took photos and tried capsizing the memories into the autograph...but that was not enought.Lovers stood looking into each others eyes with many tales that yet had to be shared!! but spoke very less...The tears that filled spoke for them. Some others just got drunk up and boozed not really ready to face the reality that the corridors that they walked would loosen its arms and let us all free as strangers forever. We were out and into the "Raw world”. many had jobs, others were into search for jobs and i too got into Us technologies...and here i am drinking coffee with the finest people going on in friendship. Know not how much the world has to offer again. How long my lungs will breathe with life. What my fate holds for the next moment...."Lead me on oh amid the circling gloom"

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