Thursday, January 31, 2008

O sweet labour !!

Screech...was the sound I made a peek from the 4S Bhavani and below me i could see some workers trying to unload huge pieces of marble that migth be weighing tonnes.The sun was harsh on them and the only saving comfort they had was a gulp of water they had from a sullied plastic bottle. One gulp and they were back with some kind of slogan or mantra that kept them going.They had no common language save this for they werell not natives of the same land.Of course their goal was the same..."Livelihood". A sudden thought flashed through my mind ...

The tie and the office tags that we carry are donned for the same objective.people from different lands join together for this common objective.Software professionals,artists,Politicians....finally the they all fuse into one strong desire to live and let live. After seeing the pain and struggle they were taking to work with the "piece of stone" I just made a glance at the prolific flooring that our "Bhavani" already had and thought for a moment.Many of us may not even be able to recollect the design of the floor that we walk over daily.Such is the observation we pay for the things around us.I am not to blame humanity again for I belong to the same race.. and I too am in this "race"...... To be paid every month you need not know the design of the floor on which we tread.Of course not.Nor do you have to be thankful for a security person or a cleaner who sees to it that the glasses shine with all its beauty.After all they are also paid for what they do right?? Beeeep Beeep ..the sound of the access door behind me woke me up from the purple haze that I was in and i recollected "I had a meeting" and so I was back to my work...Still deep within the convulsions of my brain a thought lingers.."Oh sweet labour" redifined to "Oh sweat labour"!!!!

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